Stephanie Nash

Jan 4, 2022

Oh Happy Day

Happy New Year!

It's been a minute since I last posted; and it feels SO good to be back! I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back to my regular posting and weekly Live crafting in the near future. But that's not why I'm here today!

Today, is an exciting day because it's NEW CATALOGUE DAY! Yes, that's right! Today, is the start of the January - June 2022 Mini Catalogue! This beautiful book is filled with pages of crafty inspiration and the products that made them. I have several favourites and I know you will too!

Isn't it pretty? Tulips are one of my favourite flowers so I was super excited to see them on the cover, and this fantastic card, which features the new Flowering Fields Suite (p. 14-15). Click on the image above to see the catalogue online.

Don't forget there's more to get excited about! Sale-a-Bration is back! You can earn FREE, exclusive products with every $60 CAD spent until February 28th! Let me tell you, there are some super amazing products to choose from; and you're going to want it all!

Click on the image above to check out all the fabulous choices you'll have; and of course, you'll still be eligible to earn my InkBlotz Rewards too!

Join my incredible team, Shut Up & Stamp, and become part of an amazing community! When you take advantage of the AMAZING Starter Kit, you'll do more than just save on high quality supplies. Learn more and get the kit here.

Happy stampin'!

Do you need a catalogue?I would be more than happy to send one to you if you are not currently working with a Demonstrator and live in Canada. Simply send me an email,, to request your copy.