If you've been following my blog this past week, you'll have heard several mentions of Sale-a-Bration! Since there are a lot of new visitors lately, I thought I'd quickly review the ways you can jump in on the celebration!
There are three ways to get in on the action! The first is simply to SHOP! With every $60 you spend, you get to choose an amazing, exclusive, Sale-a-Bration reward.
The next option is HOST! Have an online party and earn Stampin' Rewards! You pick the date, invite your family and friends and I will do the rest! The more your guests fall in love with Stampin' Up! and crafting, the more you'll benefit!

The last option, and the BEST option in my opinion, is to purchase the starter kit! This has always been the best deal around; but, during Sale-a-Bration, it's even better!
If you love to craft and love a discount, then this is the offer for you because you're going to get the best of both worlds! In addition to the discount, you're going to become party of an AMAZING community of crafters. Whether you purchase the starter kit to support your hobby or because you want to try to earn a little bit of money doing something you love, you will be welcomed with open arms. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through the last year without the many friendships I've curated through my time as a Stampin' Up! demonstrator.
For more information on the starter kit and joining my awesome team, Shut Up & Stamp, click on the image above.
Happy stampin'!

Do you need a catalogue? I would be more than happy to send one to you if you are not currently working with a Demonstrator and live in Canada. Leave a comment below, or send me an email to request your copy. Join my incredible team, Shut Up & Stamp, and become part of an amazing community.