Hello friends! If you're new to InkspireMe, welcome and thanks so much for giving us a try. If you're a returning visitor, I so appreciate you coming back. It means the world to me.
I love to showcase products in ways that they were not necessarily intended...and that's what I'm doing today. This is actually a card I did a few weeks back on one of my Facebook Lives. I realized as I was going through cards to mail out that I hadn't shared it here...and so today is the day I change that fact.

This card was created using the stamp set Press On, which really isn't meant to be a holiday set. I love how with some traditional Christmas colours, you can turn it into a fabulous holiday card. A complete list of the supplies used in making this card can be found at the bottom of this post.
2020 has been a fantastic year for me as a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and I'm truly humbled by the support you have all shown me. Thank you, for supporting my small business. My family and I are grateful for you all.
Happy stampin'!

Do you need a catalogue? I would be more than happy to send one to you if you are not currently working with a Demonstrator. Leave a comment below, or send me an email to request your copy. Join my incredible team, Shut Up & Stamp, and become part of an amazing community.